
Top 10 Reasons Why Dell Telecom Infrastructure Blocks Rock

If the last five years have felt like everything is building up to 5G, you’re not alone. But the truth is that building a 5G network is a pretty big job…or at least it used to be. With the introduction of Dell Telecom Infrastructure Blocks, we made building 5G solutions easier than ever before. And with our latest release, we’ve made our Telecom Infrastructure Blocks for Wind River faster (thanks to our new PowerEdge 16G servers), simpler to deploy and easier for communications service providers (CSPs) to adopt new technologies to maintain their competitive edge. Our new PowerEdge servers include the latest 4th Gen Intel Xeon Scalable processors with vRAN Boost to enhance performance and reduce infrastructure costs.     

Normally, this would be the part of the blog where I detail everything we’ve added to the latest version of these Telecom Infrastructure Blocks. But as I thought about it, the real value isn’t what we’ve added to them; it’s what we’ve removed. We’ve removed the design headaches, the delays, the risk and the finger-pointing when things go wrong. In fact, there are at least ten things you won’t have to do anymore thanks to Dell Telecom Infrastructure Blocks.

The editorial staff had no role in this post's creation.